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lamp bulb

Do you know the feeling of...

using methods that are terribly boring

spending hours on textbooks and not being able to understand a simple text

wasting money on boring lessons where you only studied grammar

trying to learn with boring and ineffective smartphone apps, without any success


Ineffective approaches, everywhere

Many language courses, apps, manuals, books, and YouTube channels today still base their teaching on dated and inefficient approaches. What do I mean by that?

There is way too much grammar

Learning is detached from context

Too little input and almost no interesting content.

I am excited to introduce you to...

La storia di Italo

A course designed for people who have some knowledge of Italian and want to build a solid foundation in the language, reaching an intermediate (B1) level.

The course is based on an incredible story that will keep you hooked from start to finish…

Italo in cucina
Italo in cucina, deluso

Let's go back in time: it's 1962

The course tells the story of a young man from Boston with an unusual name: Italo.

Italo doesn't know the truth about his past... until, on the day of his twenty-first birthday, his mother reveals something incredible to him:

– Italo, tu sei nostro figlio, ma io ed Harry… non siamo i tuoi veri genitori.

– Ok, è uno scherzo? – ho riso.

– No Italo, è una lunga storia, ma non è uno scherzo.
Torino nel 1962

The news prompts him to return to Italy, to Turin, to search for his biological parents, who had sent him to the United States during the war.

Once there, a chain of unexpected events begins: mysteries, discoveries, betrayals, joys, sorrows…

The magic of story 🪄

I am a huge believer in comprehensible input: learning naturally through content that's at our level or slightly above it.

Stories are one of the best ways to learn in this manner.

However, what we read or listen to should not only be easy to understand: it must also be interesting, engaging, and captivating.

A story must be not only comprehensible but must also enthrall us. Here's why:


You won't be able to stop

You're going to have a burning desire to find out what will happen to Italo and the other characters. Like a book or a TV series that captivates us, you will need to see it through to the end.


Emotion-fueled memorization

Emotions play a central role in memory, including language learning. A story that emotionally engages you helps with the memorization of vocabulary and constructions.


Context-based learning

In this course, the story comes first, and every word and construction you learn is embedded in the context of the story, not in artificial and lifeless dialogues.

Attention to detail, total immersion

Music. The music contributes to creating an immersive and emotional atmosphere in the story.

Sound effects. The sound effects will make you feel alongside Italo and the other characters.

Different voices. We have given each character a different voice, to increase realism and immersion.

Italo all'aeroporto
Italo e sua madre
Ragazza bionda in cucina
Italo in cucina
Madre di Italo
Ragazza bionda al ristorante
Italo in cucina
Italo a torino

What do the students think?


Two seasons, 14 chapters

Italo's story is told in two seasons of 7 chapters each, which allow us to develop the story and immerse you in it.



Each episode contains the transcription of everything you will hear in the audio file. You can read and listen at the same time, or first listen and then read: as you prefer!

magnifying glass

Glossary and grammar notes

Inside the transcript, you will find a glossary that explains, in Italian, the meaning of every word you probably don't know, as well as the more challenging grammatical constructions.


Audio version

You will be able to listen to the story wherever you go, thanks to the mobile app of the course.


Private community

You will have access to a private community of students like you who have purchased the course.


Lifetimes access

The course is yours forever, including any future improvements we make.

Note di grammatica

• Abbiamo capito tutto.

• Italo è arrivato a Boston nel 1941.

• Sono diventato maggiorenne.

• Siamo riusciti a scoprire la verità.

• Anna è morta tre mesi dopo, in un incidente.

• Nota: nei verbi che vogliono l'ausiliare "essere" al femminile -o diventa -a.

• Anna è morta nel 1941.

Note di grammatica

Il passato prossimo indica un'azione passata. Insieme all'imperfetto, è il tempo passato più comune in italiano. Si può formare con l'ausiliare avere o essere. Attenzione ai verbi che richiedono essere (nel testo abbiamo visto diventare, nascere, arrivare, venire, succedere, riuscire).

• Caroline ha detto la verità a Italo.

• Mia padre mi ha nascosto la verità

• Ho pensato alle parole di mia madre tutta la notte.

Note di grammatica

• Caroline e le sue amiche sono andate al parco insieme.

• Gli aggettivi possessivi di solito vogliono l'articolo.

• Il mio amico;
• il mio cane;
• il mio libro.

• La mia amica;
• la mia penna;

• la mia macchina.

What about grammar?

This is a comprehensive course. The story is at the center, but each chapter focuses on selected grammar topics, which are explained in detail at the end of the chapter.

The difficulty of the grammar constructions increases over the course of the 14 episodes, moving from an A2 level to a B1.

Plus, we have prepared exercises that will allow you to test your knowledge.

The creators of the course

Davide Gemello

Italian teacher and creator of the popular podcast and YouTube channel "Podcast Italiano," he was one of the first online Italian teachers (he started in 2016).

He loves learning languages and linguistics. He co-created the story of Italo and portrays the character of Italo, as well as most of the male characters.

Foto di Davide

Erika Porreca

She loves languages and storytelling. He has been collaborating with Podcast Italiano for years, has written the words for La Storia di Italo, and has provided her voice for some characters.

Foto di Erika

With great guests...

Who have helped us bring the story's characters to life with their wonderful voices.

Foto di Elissa

Elissa Dell'Aera

Italian-Canadian YouTuber and language enthusiast. She speaks Italian perfectly and has worked in the world of dubbing in the past. She portrays two characters.

Foto di Irene

Irene La Preziosa

Certified Italian teacher and content creator. Like Elissa, she has experience in creating audio materials for students. She portrays two characters.

A solid methodology

We've placed the story at the center, but we've built the course with a solid and scientific methodology inmind.

Scientific repetition of words

The words you will encounter in the course are repeated multiple times throughout the story. This will allow you to absorb them naturally.

Increasing difficulty

The story begins at a pre-intermediate level (A2) and ends at an intermediate level (B1), allowing you to progress gradually and comfortably while enjoying an engaging narrative.

Captivating input

The story is incredibly interesting, and you will want to listen to it until the end.

Strategic grammar

Each chapter strategically focuses on one or two grammar topics to help you build a solid foundation in the language.

Special bonuses

Translate applicazione

English translation

In the course, you will find the entire story translated into English as an additional aid to your understanding.


Audio without music and sound effects

Would you rather follow the story without music and sound effects? No problem, we offer you the audio files with only the voices for free.

Pdf delle note di La Storia di Italo

You'll love La storia di Italo

We have put all our expertise, passion, and experience into creating a comprehensive course that combines linguistic principles with the power of storytelling and will help you reach a solid intermediate level.

We have created an incredibly fascinating world that we can't wait for you to immerse yourself in.

Learn wherever you want, on any device.

We provide a mobile application that allows you to access the course wherever you are!

un macbook, un ipdad e un iphone con la storia di italo in riproduzione

Who's the course for?

The course is right for you if:

You have a basic knowledge of Italian (A1-A2 level) and want to build a solid foundation.

You want to learn naturally through exposure to comprehensible input, using a fun approach.

You enjoy stories and storytelling, and you prefer a movie to grammar.

The course is not for you if:

You have a very high level in the language and are not interested in simpler materials (although you would still learn a lot of vocabulary and grammar).

You prefer a grammar-heavy approach

You're not ready to cry 😢.

Course structure

You can listen to a preview of the first two chapters!



Benvenuto/a! Alcune istruzioni

Cap. 1: Il compleanno - FREE PREVIEW AVAILABLE

Stagione 1

Capitolo 1: Il compleanno

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: passato prossimo, aggettivi possessivi

Cap. 2: L'apprendimento - FREE PREVIEW AVAILABLE

Stagione 1

Capitolo 2: L'apprendimento

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: futuro semplice

Cap. 3: Il viaggio

Stagione 1

Capitolo 3: Il viaggio

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: il Lei di cortesia, participi passati irregolari

Cap. 4: I nomi

Stagione 1

Capitolo 4: I nomi

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: perifrasi progressiva (stare + gerundio), il Lei (di nuovo)

Cap. 5: La sartoria

Stagione 1

Capitolo 5: La sartoria

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: comparativi, superlativi

Cap. 6: Il bar

Stagione 1

Capitolo 6: Il bar

Trascrizione senza glossario
Traduzione in inglese

Grammatica: verbi modali

Cap. 7: L'abbraccio

Stagione 1

Capitolo 7: L'abbraccio

Trascrizione senza glossario
Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: verbi riflessivi e intransitivi pronominali

Cap. 8: Paola

Stagione 2

Capitolo 8: Paola

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: imperfetto indicativo; meglio/migliore, peggio, peggiore

Cap.9: La ricerca

Stagione 2

Capitolo 9: La ricerca

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese

Grammatica: costruzioni di durata, si impersonale

Cap. 10: La telefonata

Stagione 2

Capitolo 10: La telefonata

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese

Grammatica: pronomi personali oggetto diretto e indiretto,

Cap. 11: Le chiavi

Stagione 2

Capitolo 11: Le chiavi

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: pronomi combinati (o doppi), la forma passiva

Cap. 12: Il parco

Stagione 2

Capitolo 12: Il parco

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: condizionale presente (o semplice), usi del condizionale presente

Cap 13: La casa

Stagione 2

Capitolo 13: La casa

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: l'uso di cui, forme implicite con l'infinito

Cap. 14: Il patto

Stagione 2

Capitolo 14: Il patto

Trascrizione senza glossario

Traduzione in inglese
Grammatica: ne e ci


Stagione 2

E ora che succede?

Don't like it? Full refund for 30 days!

I have full confidence that La Storia di Italo will exceed your expectations and help you reach the desired B1 level in Italian in a fun way.

However, I understand that everyone's learning preferences can be different. That's why I offer a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Here's how it works: if, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the course, simply send me an email at within 60 days of purchase, and I will promptly refund the entire payment.

Your satisfaction and success are my top priorities, and I want you to have full confidence in your investment.

Some reviews

Here are some students who went through the course.

verified buyer

Una storia eccezionale!

Grazie, Davide ed Erika, per questa storia e il corso! Mi sono piaciuti un sacco. Avete fatto un ottimo lavoro. Mi è piaciuta molto la storia e ho imparato molto con le spiegazioni. Spero che ci sia la terza stagione!

Natasha Boyle

verified buyer

Sono molto contenta!

Mi sono piaciuti la storia, il testo con il lessico, la spiegazione chiara della grammatica, le flashcard Quizlet. È stato facile avere la disciplina per seguire l'intero corso. Grazie mille!

Hanneke Moons

verified buyer

Had great experience with this course

I got really into this charming story. There are little surprises in every chapter. Is it for you? Best for B1 students looking for a book perfectly at your level. A lot of authentic dialogue, beautifully read, plenty to learn and study but not overwhelming.

Junie Curtiss

verified buyer

Un capolavoro!

This was such a great course and Italo's story was so compelling and touching! I learned so much along the way...grazie mille, Davide!! Secondo me, tu sei un insegnante fantastico!! Everything you do is top notch!!

Karina Donovan


Got some more questions I haven't covered here?

Who's the course for?

This course is aimed at people who have a basic knowledge of the Italian language and aspire to reach a solid B1 (intermediate) level.

What language is the course in?

100% in Italian, including explanations. We wanted to provide an immersive learning experience. We believe that learning in the target language, is much better than explaining rules in English. That being said, we offer the English translation as a bonus.

Ci sono spiegazioni grammaticali?

Yes, there are! Each PDF file includes grammar explanations and exercises. Additionally, the transcriptions contain grammar notes in the margins.

Should I buy it as a total beginner?

If you have no knowledge of Italian, you might find it a bit too challenging to start this course.

That being said, if you already speak a Romance language you might understand a lot.That being said, if you have limited or basic knowledge of Italian, this course is perfect for you.

Here’s my recommendation: try listening to the preview (chapters 1 and 2), and if you can understand at least 70% of the content, it's likely a suitable choice. Otherwise, it's advisable to wait until you have a bit more knowledge.

What if I have an intermediate or advanced level?

Even if you already have an intermediate level of Italian knowledge, this course can teach you a lot. The engaging plot ensures an enjoyable experience and the acquisition of new words and grammar constructions even with simpler content. Many students who have done it have an intermediate to advanced level and have found it helpful. Try it and see if it suits you: you have 60 days to get a refund if it's not for you!

Does the course expire?

No, it's yours forever and any future improvement we make will be free.

Can I access the course on different devices?

Of course! You can access the course materials on any device of your choice, whether it's a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Additionally, the course platform provides an app that allows you to learn on the go.

How long are the chapters?

The audio episodes are 5-10 minutes long on average (100+ minute of audio in total). The 14 PDFs amount to 170+ pages.

ragazza bionda in cucina

It's time to change your Italian forever

Join us and experience the magic of language learning through the power of storytelling. It's time for a new Italian adventure!